How to Sell Revenue Inventory Using 'Ready for Pickup'
If you have in-office revenue inventory lenses in your office, you can use the Ready for Pickup feature in CLX. This feature will allow you to pull from your revenue inventory while still allowing patients to get reorder messaging if purchasing less than as year supply. These orders will also be reflected in your CLX Reporting.
Important Note: To utilize Ready for Pickup, the order must be placed through the CLX Portal and not through the integration.
Log in to your CLX portal by going to your unique CLX URL and entering your login credentials.
After logging in to your CLX portal, click on the applicable office location that you need to place the order for.
After you click on your office location, you will need to click on Patient Orders.
After clicking on Patient Orders, you will need to search your patients name and click the Search button.
After clicking Search, you can select your patient by clicking View, or click Create New Patient.
When entering in a new patient, be sure to enter in all required fields, as well as an email and cell phone number to ensure e-commerce messaging is sent to your patient. You may also watch our video How to Add a New Patient to CLX.
Click Create New Exam if you need to enter a new Rx, or click Create New Order if there is an existing Rx on file that you would like to used for an existing patient. To learn how to enter a new exam, watch our video on How to Place a Patient Order.
Next, you will need to create your order. Enter the quantity of Revenue Boxes and trials you would like to take from your inventory stock and click Continue.
To finalize your order and have it bypass your distributor for fulfillment, select a shipping method from the drop-down menu and then click Ready for Pickup. This allows you to pull from your in-office revenue inventory and record the order in CLX reporting, as well as e-commerce features such as reorder.
If you have additional questions, please reach out to CLX Customer Success by using the chat feature, emailing, or calling 314-995-9959.