How to place an order in Uprise
Patients >Search for Patient >RX Order >Standard Contacts >CLX (selected under source)
Note: You cannot edit Client ID and Location Name here (Screen Capture 3)
You will then put in the order information (i.e. product, quantity, parameters, usage, prescription date, select trial check box to show trials)
You can select Import RX on the right under Prescription, Product & Wear
Post to Invoice>Post to New or Existing Invoice (Screen Capture 5)
Click on Post (Top Right of Screen) >Click Order Number (Far left middle of screen) >Submit (Screen Capture 4)
Once the practice clicks submit, the status will say submitted. Submitted truly means the order is transmitting to CLX and this can take several minutes (Screen Capture 5). Once the order has reached CLX the status will say Received by Supplier (Screen Capture 6)
Failed Message: You can resend from here after updating the required information (i.e. you do not have to create a whole new order). (Screen Capture 7)
Clicking on the red icon will bring up an explanation of why the order failed
The user will also get a message if failed via inbox if permissions were given to do so (Screen Capture 8)
Products>RX order tracking >Supplier CLX Contacts will show all orders submitted via the integration (Screen Capture 9 )
Note: Uprise uses their own catalog & send UPC’s
To go back to the order after submitting: Home >Dashboard >Invoices >Click on order number
Screen Capture 3
Screen Capture 4
Screen Capture 5
Screen Capture 6
Screen Capture 7
Screen Capture 8
Screen Capture 9