How to place an order in OfficeMate
Once you are logged into Officemate, pull up the patient you are placing an order for by selecting Patients
Enter in Last Name/First Name and select F2 to find the patient you are searching for.
Select RX Orders>Soft Lens to start the ordering process.
This will now bring you to where you are able to enter in the information for the contact lens order. Be sure to select New/Copy as this allows you to create an order. If this is not selected, it will think this is a duplicate order and will not allow you to place the order.
Next, select the product you would like to order.
In order to select the product you will double click and select Product and Rx. You will want to make sure you do select Product and Rx as this will pull over the base curve and diameter.
If you select Product Only, the parameters will be blank.
For Multifocals, be sure to scroll to the far right to select High, Medium, or Low. This will then show under the Multifocal section NOT the add section.
You will want to select = on Contact Lens section as this will pull the same information over for the left eye (lt).
You are also able to select = on the Rx section to match the other eye. If each eye has different parameters, you will not want to select = but enter in the correct information instead.
Select Ship To to enter shipping method.
- Select Ship to Patient Address to ship directly to patient.
- To ship to office, select Ship to Store and select location.
Once you are ready to submit the order, you will select Record>Record>CLX Order
Once you have selected CLX Order you will receive a pop up that the "Order was Successful"