How to place an order in Compulink

How to place an order in Compulink

Log into Compulink and select Patient

Select Search>Patient Name

Enter in the last name of the patient you are searching for and select Search

This will bring you to the patient profile. You will want to make sure Name, Address and Phone are filled out. If this information is not filled out completely, this will cause an error in Compulink.

You are ready now to enter in the contact lens order. You will select C.L.

You will want to make sure the RX Date and Exam Date are filled out

You will select the drop down to select the product under Name

Once the drop down has been selected you are able to select your product

In order to select the product, you will double click on the lens name you will need to do this for both the OD & OS. Your Lens/RX Information should look like this

You will then enter in the Sphere. If the basecurve and diameter are missing, you will simply enter in the parameters as needed (example of below).

Next step is entering in the Quantity for each eye

Next, enter the Lab Information. This is how the order will be transmitted to CLX. CLX should be shown as the name of the lab. If CLX is not shown, you are able to select the drop down and select CLX. In the Sent field will be the date the order is submitted to CLX.

Once this information has been entered in, you will see an order number populate. This is the CLX order number. 

Select Contact Or tab and select Save which will transmit the order.

You are able to look at CLX Connect for an update on if the order was successful or not. If the order is not successful, you will see an error and the reason why the order was not successful. See below image for an example of both scenarios.

When you pull up CLX Connect for the first time, you will select Order History which will then pull a listing of orders that have been submitted. 

If an order was not successful,  go back into Compulink and Edit the order by selecting Edit > make the change > Save. You will then go to CLX Connect to resend. 

Go into CLX Connect and select Resend. This will resend the order and you should see Success under Stage.