How to Delete Trials from a Scanner
Once you have submitted your scanned trials order, you will need to ensure that you delete the trials off your desktop and your scanner. By deleting the scanned trials in both places, you will ensure that you will not receive any duplicate trials when you order trials again. Please see the below documentation on how to successfully delete scanned trials.
On your desktop you will need to delete the Barcodes file out of your Scanned Trials folder.
First, open the Scanned Trials folder on your desktop as shown below.

Once the Folder is open right click on the Barcodes file and click Delete.

Next on your desktop you will also need to delete the trials off the OPN200 software by clicking Delete barcodes. Please ensure the scanner is still plugged into the computer.

Once you click Delete barcodes, you will receive a pop up as shown below. From here you will click Yes.

*Please note that the trials (UPC list) will still appear on the screen. This is completely normal and will appear until you unplug the scanner and reupload new trials.