How to add a new product in OfficeMate

How to add a new product in OfficeMate

If you are needing to add a product into Officemate this will need to be done at the Administration Level. Once the product has been entered in, this information will need to be shared with CLX so that the new product can be mapped correctly between the two systems. 

Log into OfficeMate at administration level > Products

Select Products and Services

Product Type: Contact Lenses
New Product

Filling out the below fields:
Product Name: This will be the lens name
Print on Fee Slip: This is normally the same name as the product name but this can differ if preferred
Lens Category: You will select the appropriate category to the lens being added
Manufacturer: Will be the manufacturer of the product
Vendor: Will be CLX

Product Details: Allows to enter in price of lens, base curve, diameter, Color and multi-focal powers
Parameters: You will want to make sure on every product that is added that the BC (Basecurve), Dia (Diameter) and fee are entered in on any new product.

Color: If the contact lens has a color you will want to make sure the color is added as well. 

Multi-focal: If the product is a multi-focal lens you will want to make sure the correct powers are added.
If needed Customer Success at CLX can assist on adding the product.

Naming Convention/Mapping: If the product has been entered in you will also want to provide exact naming convention to CLX as CLX will need to map the new product that has been entered in. To do so, please contact

CLX Customer Success 314-995-9959 or